At the end of the 19th century, due to phylloxera (the wine disease) and the scarcity of resources, the most needy people tried to fish in the fisheries on these cliffs, risking their lives to obtain some benefit and be able to feed their family.
At that time there were not many options left, they could only go to prune vineyards and grow rice in Valencia. Many of them risked their lives on top of a fence. Those who returned offered their catches (cuttlefish, squid and other fish) to the wealthiest people. The descents down the cliffs were very precarious, they were made with the remains of ropes, pine logs, wire and ladders that rotted over time and caused the worst accidents. Today you can still admire the courage of those brave men loaded with their arts in a palm basket and appreciate the spirit of the people of the Marina Alta.
On some cliffs there is more than 200 meters of unevenness, such as the Sirera in Moraira with 50 vertical meters.